Welcome to the website of the Blofield and District Gardening Club. If you live in Blofield in Norfolk or one of the surrounding areas and have an interest in gardening then this is the club for you. We meet once a month on the second Wednesday of the month for a presentation on some aspect of gardening provided by good quality speakers. These meetings are also an opportunity to socialise with other members with similar interests, to gain advice on gardening matters and to compete with other members in our monthly competition. We have also arranged discounts at local gardening suppliers. Why not join us at one of our meetings to try us out.
Next Club Meeting
The next club meeting will be Wednesday, 11th September (7:30 pm) when Matt Willer will be discussing The Papillon Project, which promotes sustainable living and environmental awareness for young people. The members’ competition will be a foliage pot plant.
Guests are always welcome at our meetings (£2.50 entry) or a full year’s membership is just £10. There is always a speaker, a competition for members – usually a plant or in season flowers, plus a raffle and a £1 bring and buy table. There is a lot of horticultural experience within the group, so if you have any queries or subjects you would like to hear about, do let us know.
Summer Show 2024
Many thanks to all who came along to enjoy the Club’s Annual Summer Show at the Margaret Harker Hall in July. Even given the often appalling weather in the spring and early summer, club members exhibited an amazing array of vegetables, fruits and flowers as well as some delicious-looking home produce. Well done to all who exhibited, and thanks to those visitors who came along in the afternoon to admire the produce and enjoy refreshments.